
Embrace menopause as a gateway to a more fulfilling life.


Discover customizable coaching.

The course of life isn’t linear.

Valuing your health and life goals is the finest gift you can give yourself.

My coaching sheds light on the areas you may overlook.

Empower yourself to take charge of your body, health, and life

Menopause is not a disease. However, it can lead to a number of health problems and discomforts that need to be taken seriously.

  • Bone loss
  • Gynecological problems
  • Psychological problems
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of energy
  • Poor memory
  • Heart problems
  • Body changes

Fortunately, they can be prevented or controlled.

How can you do this?

By listening to your body and your needs, of course, but also by considering reliable and relevant information on the subject.

My approach is the perfect blend of your choices, my empathy, and my scientific rigor.

I’ll help you move into this new chapter of your life with greater confidence and a lighter touch.

Because no, struggle is not your only option—you deserve a life without pain.

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Coach and Massage Therapist

Who am I?

Every day, I encounter women who, like me, are navigating this significant stage in their lives. Yet each of our journeys is unique. While some face hurdles along the way, others, much like my own experience, unfold with ease and tranquility. I firmly believe that my smooth transition into menopause is a direct result of meticulous preparation. Leveraging my extensive expertise and capabilities, I crafted a tailored plan that has proven to be incredibly effective. My greatest desire is to extend this sense of ease and empowerment to any woman who wishes to navigate this transformative period with greater ease.

I’ve meticulously designed a completely personalized and adaptable strategy. This strategy is crafted to accommodate your individual experiences, emotions, and background, ensuring that your journey through this pivotal period is as seamless as possible.

I am confident that this approach will help you face menopause with confidence and grace, just as it has for me. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, ensuring that you navigate through life with confidence, comfort, and grace.


We evolve together in a space of trust where transparency is valued.


I recognize that knowledge is an ongoing process. That's why I'm constantly learning. I make sure to enrich my skills and stay abreast of new scientific discoveries.


I create safe and secure spaces for you to share your concerns with me in complete freedom. Confidentiality is one of the sacred principles of my practice. Nothing you share with me will ever leave my office.


Humanity, empathy and compassion are at the heart of my approach. So I always strive to understand and resonate with your experiences or emotions. And never judge you.


What they think of my services

Cheminer avec Lina m’amène vers une autonomie émotionnelle de plus en plus grande. Son écoute est à la fois apaisante et impliquée. Elle m’encourage à me questionner de manière à poursuivre mon développement de façon positive, tout en respectant mon rythme.

Geneviève N.

Je suis maître-nageur participant à des compétitions nationales et internationales. Mes entraînements sont intenses. Lina réussit à dénouer tous les nœuds, douleurs et muscles tendus, elles les trouvent par magie sans que je lui dise où ils sont! Je la vois régulièrement et avant mes compétitions. J’ai d’ailleurs réussi un record provincial à la suite de son massage préparatif. 
Merci Lina, tu redonnes à mon corps sa souplesse et sa force!

Stéfanie R.

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